Will I be hungry?

Nope! That’s why we love this cleanse. Instead of depriving your body of the whole foods and nutrients your body wants and craves, you get to pump your body full of them. 

The recipes include whole food ingredients that will keep you satisfied throughout the day. But—if you do get hungry, we have plenty of healthy snack options like avocado with lemon and sea salt, or apple slices with cinnamon. Yum!

I’m busy! How long will it take to make everything for this cleanse?

Not long at all! We’ve packed your Soup Reset Cleanse Kit with a step-by-step guide to help you prepare your meals quickly and easily. 

We suggest you make lunch and dinner in bulk, and prepare in the evening so you’re ready for the day ahead. We also enjoy going to the grocery store or farmer’s market with our lists to get everything we need. 

Then, we come home, put on some tunes, make a cup of tea and hop into the kitchen.

We like to use this as a way to wind down, focus on ourselves or include our families and make it a social practice! If you have a jam-packed schedule, you can even prep a few days worth of meals at a time to get you ahead of the game.

What if I don't love the recipes that are included?

That’s more than okay, everyone has different preferences! While we find the recipes included are wonderful, we totally understand that may not be the case for all. 

The good news is, there is a ton of flexibility in this cleanse. If you don't like something, just find a replacement (as long as it’s not on the Foods to Avoid List). That’s the beauty of soup! Sub in one veggie for another and you’ve still got a filling, nourishing meal to enjoy.

What do I do after the cleanse is over?

This isn’t just a one-time thing. We’re here for you, Indigo Dragon is here for you, our community is here for you… and we hope you’ll be here too! This cleanse gives you the knowledge to make the right digestive decisions moving forward, for the rest of your life for real!

 What about my medications?

Continue your physician's prescribed medications and ask your doctor should you have any questions. The Chinese Herbs used in this cleanse do not interact with any medications.

 What about my vitamins and other supplements?

For the length of the cleanse, pause any non-essential supplements. If you know you need them, then continue taking them. Many people realize that the supplements they were taking aren’t needed after the cleanse as they have resolved the underlying issues that were causing the need for extra supplementation.

 What Chinese Herbs are in the Cleanse Formula?

We have carefully curated the highest quality herbs. The formula is simple but very effective. We use Chai Hu, Huang Qin, Fu Ling, Dang Shen, Da Zao, Sheng Jiang, Zhi Gan Cao.

What is in the Smoothie Powder?

Organic Hemp Powder, Organic Flax Seed Meal, Beet Root Powder, and Inulin.

 Can I do the cleanse if I have diabetes?

Yes, you can! Please select the recipes that best serve you. By improving your digestion, don’t be surprised if you see improvements with your diabetes.

Will I experience detox symptoms?

Detox symptoms are to be expected including but not limited to headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, belching, blurry vision and low energy.

What can I do to help the detox symptoms?

The number one way to help with detox is to drink more water. You can add a pinch of salt and lemon to balance the electrolytes in your body as well. If you feel like eating, grab a healthy snack.

Will all my health problems be solved with one cleanse?

To get the results you are hoping to achieve, multiple cleanses, and additional support may be needed. Remember this is a lifestyle not a “one and done” sort of thing. But stick withus, and we will show you how to get the resolution you are seeking. It just takes time, commitment, and knowledge.

I don’t have time to cook. Can I do this?

Many cleanse programs send you pills and powder. Once your done with the pills and powder you may feel great. But then a month later, the weight has returned and you are back to your old habits. The Soup RESET is about making lasting changes to your lifestyle. It’s not a “one and done” type program. Unlike any other program, we give you the ancient wisdom of Chinese Medicine to help you make sense of all your eating decisions moving forward. Knowledge is power so making some time to be in the kitchen will serve you immensely.


Do you have more questions?

Don’t worry! We’ve created an amazing place for you to ask questions, discuss your experiences, and share your favorite recipes!

When you join the Soup Reset Cleanse, you’ll automatically be added to our private Facebook group, where our community comes together to support each other through the cleansing process (and beyond). If you’re not a Facebook user, you can send us an email directly.

We’re all in this together and we’re excited to see where this cleanse takes each one of you! 

We are here for you.  If you have a burning question we haven't answered please emails us at: [email protected]





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