Eating Cleanse

Reduce Inflammation

Improve Digestion

Lose Weight

~Radiant Health from the Inside Out~
Feel Better, Look Better & Be Vital

You deserve to live a life that is as healthy as possible.  Taking time out of your regular routine to improve digestion, reduce inflammation and lose weight is essential to living a long, healthy life.  The Eating Cleanse is a 21 Day program based off of the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine blended with Modern Science to transform you into the vital human being you are meant to be.  

The Eating Cleanse Approach

Improve Digestion: Modern science has discovered that the key to good health is good digestion.  Using what Chinese Medicine has believed in all along, we boost digestion and turn your body into a food processing, fat burning, healthy bacteria machine 

Lose Weight: It’s simple.  Once your metabolism and digestion are optimized the weight just sheds away. 

Reduce Inflammation: Think that you’re doing yourself right when you eat salmon, grilled veggies and rice?  Learn Again!  Many of the foods we thought to reduce inflammation are actually causing it.  The Eating Cleanse will show you what to eat and what to avoid to reduce inflammation.  And INFLAMMATION is the root cause of almost all disease processes in the body! 

The Eating Cleanse Includes:

  • The Eating Cleanse Box sent to your door
  • Access to our private, online learning platform.  Watch videos, download recipes, and more
  • 21 Days of Guided Cleansing
  • 21 Days of custom Chinese Herbs to target weight loss, digestion and reduce inflammation. Vegan, top quality granules for tea & loose herbs for cooking
  • Access to our private support group.  Share your experiences, ask questions, find ideas and inspirations from all of our Cleansers
  • Meditations to tune into you
  • Step by step recipe instruction & videos
  • Complete Shopping Lists and pre cleanse kitchen supply list
  • Pre Cleanse preparation instructions to ensure cleanse success

As If That Wasn't Enough, Check Out The Amazing Bonuses You Will Receive As Well...

BONUS #1: Essential Oils to use on powerful acupressure points to enhance your cleanse experience $30 value

BONUS #2: Body Brush and instructions to use body brushing to stimulate the lymphatic system, reduce cellulite and leave your skin glowing $50 value

Upgrade to the Emperor Plan

30 min. private online consultation with the creators of The Eating Cleanse.

Ready to try a new approach to cleansing? Nourish your body by giving it what it needs.

How is The Eating Cleanse Different from Other Programs

Eat-This program is designed to eat!  That’s right!  With our modern busy lifestyles, cleanses that create starvation or have you live off of juice are not only harmful they’re down right dangerous.  Often leaving people feeling great for a few weeks and then all those yucky symptoms come crashing back.

Nourish-The body is capable of incredible regeneration, if we give it what it needs.  Think of The Eating Cleanse as a way to nourish your body, mind and soul.

Backed by 5,000 years of experience-The Eating Cleanse follows the ancient wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  This is not a fad diet, a quick fix solution but rather a way to nourish your body for years to come.

3 Step Approach-Learn how to start and stop a cleanse properly so that you reduce detox symptoms and create a way of eating that has lasting benefits.

Essential Oils-Incorporate oils into your life.  They have so many benefits…

Stay Slim-The Eating Cleanse, through the use of Chinese herbs, gets your digestion fired up vs. stripping it of what it needs to be a metabolic dynamo!

Support-We believe it’s not enough to send you a box in the mail and have you just wing it!  Our success over the last 9 years has depended on creating a community of cleansers who have access to the pro’s during their process.

About Ashley & Jennifer

Ten years ago, Ashley Lanahan, L.Ac. & Jennifer Seine, L.Ac. opened Indigo Dragon Center for Health & Wellbeing. If you’ve ever been to Indigo Dragon, you know that it is indeed a sanctuary for healing.

After the first year of running and treating people in a multi-discipline wellness center, one thing became very apparent to Ashley & Jennifer.

No matter if people came in for knee pain, digestive problems, or headaches it all came back to the same obstacles: INFLAMMATION & POOR DIGESTION. While all of the services offered at Indigo Dragon would significantly help people improve their health, Ashley & Jennifer knew that there was even more that could be done to improve people's lives.

Digging into their own experience and their nutritional training they began to lead people on cleanses. The purpose of these cleanses is to help rid the body of inflammation, which is the root cause of almost all disease in the body. People started calling from all over asking if they could do a cleanse with Indigo Dragon.

The response was overwhelming! They began conducting cleanse meetings in yoga studios and fitness centers as well as spending time on the phone with people all over the world. What was incredible to witness was the people coming in for treatments at Indigo Dragon began to turn their health around.

From weight loss, allergy elimination and even getting pregnant, the cleanse programs were the final piece to helping people make real health changes. Due to the demand from people doing the cleanse all over the world, The Indigo Dragon Academy was born.


Now doing one of Indigo Dragon's Cleanses is accessible to those that want to live a healthy, vital life. Are you ready to feel better?


Ready for a reset? Don't want to starve? Learn how to nourish your way into better health!

"I love The Eating Cleanse! I have done several cleanses before. Once the detox symptoms are gone I usually feel great. But about a month after the other cleanses Ihave tried is over, all the weight and digestive problems are back. With The Eating Cleanse I maintained my weight loss and my digestion has never been better. The Dragon challenge was daunting but I was brave and did it! Amazing! You have to try it."

Erika Potter

"My first cleanse with Indigo Dragon Center was 10 years ago. I had just started seeing Ashley Lanahan for acupuncture to help with regulating my not-consistent-every-few month-cycles in hopes to get pregnant. I had only seen her a few times when she suggested a month long cleanse. I had never done a cleanse for more than a week and this was the first cleanse that elimination wasn’t the focus. Eat to feed the body, connect to what it needs. During that cleanse my cycle was regular and came at a timely matter and my next ovulation I got pregnant! My body was not fighting the stress of poor eating, was able to receive nutrition. I felt great during cleanse and was a great start to a healthy pregnancy!"

Melissa Newman

"Hooray Indigo Dragon! My digestion tends to be sluggish and the cleanse helped me feel at my best. My beautiful wife and I enjoyed the cleanse leading up to our wedding date. We both felt awesome during our destination wedding, and as it turned out had a happy healthy baby boy born 9 months later!"

Kevin Hupf

"It’s been over a decade since I’ve done my very first cleanse with Indigo Dragon. When I was done with it, I lost cravings for many kinds of food I used to eat before it. I’ve tried many different cleanses in last 10 years – from the beginner ones, to those more advanced where you drink only juices for several weeks, but this is by far my “go-to” cleanse. I do it 4-5 times a year or any time I start slipping into bad eating habits during vacations, holidays or longer family visits. Sometimes I follow it strictly, while other times I modify the length of it or the food choices. Either way – it always leaves me feeling lighter, more energized and rejuvenated. "

Olivera Flacco

"I’ve done a couple of cleanses through Indigo Dragon. They are well organized, easy to do, and the supplements are terrific. Every time I have done one I always feel better physically and mentally afterwards."

Mark Ralston

"Before doing the cleanse at Indigo Dragon, cleanses were a mysterious thing and I didn’t know where to begin. Indigo Dragon took all the mystery and intimidation out of it, and did all the work to give us exactly what we needed to be successful: they curated the brands and assembled the products we would need (there is a lot more to it than a single product off the store shelf); they demystified it by plainly explaining the benefits, the why’s and the process; they provided all the info on food to eat/not eat at each stage, for a holistic approach that would be truly successful; they were available and supportive when I had questions along the way (like, I have been pre-cleansing for a long time. Should I move on?). The cleanse heightened my senses and made me feel great! It also set me on a path to successful weight loss. I would urge and recommend any friend to do the Indigo Dragon cleanse."

Jen Laz

Get Started Today with The Eating Cleanse and Give Your Body a Much-Needed Change


50% Complete

Two Step

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